Uramachi Sakaba

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Uramachi Sakaba
Uramachi Sakaba

In a post-apocalyptic future world, in the corner of a certain underground shopping mall, there sits a standing bar. The owner of the bar and her part-timer, a young android girl named Emi, run the place. The bar thrives every day with many customers, including cyborgs, different species, soldiers, and thugs. And today, too, a commotion is brewing.

Dans un monde futur post-apocalyptique, au coin d'un certain centre commercial souterrain, se trouve un bar debout. Le propriétaire du bar et son employé à temps partiel, une jeune fille androïde nommée Emi, dirigent l'endroit. Le bar prospère chaque jour avec de nombreux clients, y compris des cyborgs, différentes espèces, des soldats et des voyous. Et aujourd'hui aussi, un remue-ménage se prépare.
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Alternative Names/Des Noms Alternatifs: Back Alley Pub
Author/Auteur: MARUOKA Kuzou
Artist/Artiste: MARUOKA Kuzou
Genre: Comedy, Cyberpunk, Science Fiction, Slice of Life
Demographic/Démographique: Seinen
No notes at this time/Pas de notes en ce moment


Mr. G

This was a really good find. The author also has a second series in the same universe. Very good shoujo manga starring a strong female bartender/izakaya owner and her capable assistant and friend. It's a world where everyone has a shady past and a human story, revolving around a small eatery in a lower level of an underground metropolis. The manga is in episodic format, with a modest amount of continuity between stories, kinda like the tv sitcom Cheers. The art style has an oldschool, almost Western comics look to it, and is very clean and easy to parse. Great stuff.

Club Notes/Remarques du Club

No notes at this time/Pas de notes en ce moment

External Links/Liens Externes

Official Website/Site officiel [Japanese]

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No infringement is intended and this article is purely for informational purposes. The images of the series are for indicative purposes only.
Aucune infraction vise et cet article est purement à titre informatif. Les images de la série sont à titre indicatif seulement.