The Yaoi List

This is a page for manga with a strong adult content like Yaoi, Yuri which may have graphic content.
For the complete list, choose The Manga List.

Ai no Kusabi - Novel, Alcohol, Shirt and Kiss - Yaoi, All Nippon Air Line - Yaoi, Almost Crying, Alone in my King's Harem, Angelic Runes (DMP), Antique Bakery - Manga, Art of Loving - Yaoi, Author's Pet - Yaoi, Awaken Forest - Manga

Bad teacher's Equation - Manga, Better Than a Dream - Novel, Beyond my Touch - Manga, Black Knight - Manga, Black Sun - Manga (Yaoi), a Bloody Kiss Tonight (Doki Doki), Blue Sheep Reverie, Blue Sky - Manga, Body Language - Yaoi, Bondage Cop, Border Kyokaisen, Boy Princess - Manhwa, Brilliant Blue - Manga, Butterfly of the Distant Day

Café Kichijouji de, Café Latte Rhapsody, Camera Camera Camera - Manga, Candy - Manga (Yaoi), Can't Win With You!, Challengers - Manga, Ciao Ciao Bambino, Clan of the Nakagamis, Clan of the Nakagamis - The Devil Cometh, Clear Skies! - Manga, Close the Last Door - Manga, Chocolate Surprise - Yaoi, Cold Sleep - Novel, Color - Yaoi, the Color of Love - Manga, Cool Devices - Manga, Cool/Uncool (Doki Doki), Crimson Cross (DMP), Crazy Star - Manga, Crimson Spell - Manga, Cut - Yaoi, Cute Devil (BLU) Castle Mango (June), Convience (June),

Dark Prince - Yaoi, Dark Walker - Novel, Dash! - Manga, the Dawn of Love - Manga, Dear Myself, Desire of the Gods - Yaoi, Desire Sensibility - Yaoi, Don't Blame Me - Yaoi, Don't Say Anymore Darling, Don't Worry Mama - Novel, Dost Thou Know? - Manga, Double Cast (Doki Doki), Do Whatever You Like, Double Trouble - Manga, Dry Heat - Manga
Earthian - Manga, Electric Hands - Yaoi, Embracing Love - Yaoi, Endless Comfort - Manga, Endless Rain - Yaoi, Entangled Circumstances, Even More Beautiful Lie, Everlasting Love - Manga, Exotic and Delicious Fate - Yaoi

Fake - Manga, Fevered Kiss (Doki Doki), Feverish - Manga, Finder, First Stage of Love - Yaoi, Flower of Life - Manga, Freefall Romance, FreshMen - Yaoi, Future Lovers - Manga (Yaoi)

Garden Dreams - Manga, Garden Sky - Manga, A Gentleman's Kiss, Gerard & Jacques, Glass Sky - Yaoi, God of Dogs - Manga, Gorgeous Carat -Yaoi, Gorgeous Carat Galaxy, Great Place High School

Happiness Recommended Happy Boys (Doki Doki), Hero Heel, Hey Sensei - Yaoi, Himegoto Asobi - Manga, Honey Chocolate - Yaoi, Honey Colored Pancakes - Manga, Honey Darling (Sublime Manga), Honey Senior, Daring Junior, Hot Limit - Manga, Hot Steamy Glasses - Yaoi, How to Capture a Martini - Yaoi, How to Control a Sidecar - Yaoi, How to Seduce a Vampire, Hybrid Child

Ichigenme... The First Class is Civil Law (801 Media), Idol Pleasures - Yaoi, I Give to You - Manga, Il gatto sul G, Immoral Darkness - Novel, I'm Not Your Stepping Stone (801 Media), Intense Rain - Manga, In the End - Yaoi, In the Walnut - Yaoi, I Shall Never Return - Manga Intriguing Secrets (June), Invisible Love (June), I Want to Bite (Doki Doki) (Novel),

Jazz - manga, Junior Escort - Manga, Junjo Romantica - Manga Just Around the Corner (801 Media)

Kabuki - Yaoi, Ka Shin Fu, Kirepapa - Yaoi, Kiss Blue - Manga, Kizuna: Bonds of Love - Manga Kurashina Sensei's Passion (June)

La Esperanca - Yaoi, Laugh Under the Sun, La Vie en Rose - Manga, Let Dai - Manhwa, Level C - Manga, Like a Love Comedy - Novel, Little Butterfly, Little Crybaby, Little Darling - Novel, Live for Love - Manga, Living for Tomorrow - Yaoi, Lost Boys, Love!! - Yaoi, Love Bus Stop, Love Circles - Manga, Love Code, Loveholic - Manga, Love is like a Hurricane, Love Knot, Loveless - Manga, Love Lesson, Love Machine - Yaoi, Love Mode - Manga, Love Pistols - Yaoi, Love Recipe - Manga, Love Round!! - Manga, Lover's Flat, Lover's Pledge - Manga, Love Share - Manga, Love Slave, A Love Song for the Miserable, Loving Gaze, Ludwig II - Yaoi
Love Phobia (DMP), Like A Love Comedy (June), Living for Tomorrow, the Loudest Whisper, Love+Alpha (801 Media), Love Bus Stop (June), Love Control, Love Potion (June), Love Syndrome (June),

Maiden Rose - Yaoi, Manhattan Love Story - Yaoi, Man Who Doesn't Take Off His Clothes novels, Melted Love, Menkui!, Midnight Bloom - Yaoi, Millennium Darling 2006, Millenium Prime Minister - Manga, Mister Mistress - Yaoi, The Moon and the Sandals, Moonlit Promises - Yaoi My Only King - Yaoi Madness (BLU), Mamiyu Doll House (June), Maniac Love (June), Maybe I'm Your Steppin' Stone (801 Media), Men of Tattoos (June), Merry Checker - Manga, Millennnium Darling 2006 (June), Mr. Tiger and Mr. Wolf (June), My Bad (June), My Boyfried is a Vampire (Seven Seas), My Hostage My Love ( Derika Snake, Mysterious Love (Doki Doki), Mr. Tiger and Mr. Wolf (June),

Naughty but Nice - Yaoi, New Beginnings - Manga, No One Loves Me (June), Not Enough Time (June), Nothing Better, Nothing But Loving You, No Touching at All (June), Not So Bad - Manhwa

the Object of my Affection (June), Oh My God! - Manga, One Night Lesson (June), One Thousand and One Nights], Only Serious About You - Manga, Only the Ring Finger Knows - Manga, Open the Door to Your Heart (June), Ordinary Crush - Manga, Otodama Voice from the Dead (Doki Doki), Our Everlasting - Manga, Our Kingdom - Yaoi, Our Kingdom Arabian Nights

the Paradise on the Hill - Manga, Party, Passion - Manga, Passionate Theory, Passion Forbidden Loves - Novel, Pathos - Manga, Physical Attraction (June), Picnic, a Place in the Sun (Doki Doki), the President's Time (801 Media), Prince Charming, Princess Princess - Manga Private Teacher (June), Pure Heart - Manga (Yaoi)

Rabbit Man, Tiger Man (June), RED, Red Angel, Reversible - Yaoi, Right Here Right Now - Yaoi, Rin! (June), Romantic Illusions - Manga

S novels, Sea View - Manga, Selfish Mr. Mermaid, Shout Out Loud! - Manga, Sleeping with Money novel, Solfege - Manga, Spell - Manga, Stop Bullying Me, Star - Manga, Stolen Heart, Sugar Milk - Manga, Suggestive Eyes - Yaoi, Saihôshi,_ the Guardian - Yaoi, Sunflower - Yaoi, Surge - Yaoi, Sweet Emotion novel, Sweet Regard - Yaoi Same Difference (June), Samejima-kun and Sasahara-kun (June), Secretay's Love (BLU), Selfish Mr. Mermaid (June), Seven Days Monday ->Thursday (June), Shy Intentions (June), Sighing Kiss (June), Spicy but Sweet (Deux), Stay Close to Me (June), Sweet Regard (June), Sweet Revolution (June)

Tale of the Waning Moon, Tea for Two - Yaoi, That's What Brothers do..., The Moon and the Sandals, The Tyrant Falls in Love - Yaoi, Thirsty for Love - Yaoi, Three Wolves Mountain (Sublime Manga), Today's Ulterior Motives - Yaoi, Tomcats - Yaoi, Tomorrow's Ulterior Motives - Yaoi, Totally Captivated, Total Surrender - Manga, Train Train - Yaoi, Treasure - Manga Temperature Rising (June), That's What Brothers do..., That was Good (June), Then Comes Love (June), Time Lag (June), Tomorrow's Ulterior Motives (June), Treasure - Riyu Yamakami (June),

Unsophisticated and Rude - Yaoi, Until the Full Moon

Vampire's Portrait - Yaoi, Vanilla - Manga, Voice or noise (BLU),

Wagamama Kitchen, Waru - Yaoi the Way to Heaven - Manga (Yaoi), Where Has Love Gone?, [[White Brand - Manga], White Guardian - Manga, Wild Butterfly - Manga, Wishing for the Moon - Yaoi, Words of Devotion - Manga, World's End - Manga Warning! Whisper of Love (June), Weekend Lovers (801 Media), When the Heavens Smile (June), Where Has Love Gone?, Wolf God (Doki Doki),

Yakuza Cafe'(June), Yellow - Manga, You and Harujion, Yuri Monogatari - Yuri Yashakiden the Demon Princess (DMP), Yellow 2 (june), Yokan Noise (June), Yokan Premonition (june), Your Love Sickness (June), Your Story I've Known(June), You will Drown in Love (BLU), You make my Head Spin (June), Your Love Sickness (June), Your Story I've Known (June),