Maou 2099

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Maou 2099
Maou 2099
Maou 2099
Maou 2099

The cyberpunk metropolis Shinjuku is a massive city-state bedecked with neon signs, towering skyscrapers, and the latest cutting-edge technology. It is here, in the year 2099 of the Fused Era, where the legendary Demon Lord Veltol has his second coming five centuries in the making. But this landscape is nothing like the one he conquered all those years ago, for the fusion of magic and engineering has elevated civilization to dazzling, unprecedented heights. Veltol may have been reduced to a historical footnote, but make no mistake this brave new world will be his for the taking.

La métropole cyberpunk de Shinjuku est une immense cité-État décorée d'enseignes au néon, de gratte-ciels imposants et des dernières technologies de pointe. C'est ici, en l'an 2099 de l'ère de la fusion, que le légendaire Seigneur Démon Veltol connaît sa seconde venue, cinq siècles durant. Mais ce paysage n'a rien à voir avec celui qu'il a conquis il y a tant d'années, car la fusion de la magie et de l'ingénierie a élevé la civilisation à des sommets éblouissants et sans précédent. Veltol a peut-être été réduit à une note de bas de page historique, mais ne vous y trompez pas, ce nouveau monde courageux sera à sa portée.
from Manga Updates

Check out what else is airing this Fall 2024 season.
Découvrez ce que le reste est diffusée cette Fall 2024 saison.


Alternative Names/Des Noms Alternatifs: Demon Lord 2099
Author/Auteur: MURASAKI Daigo
Artist/Artiste: Kureta
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Cyberpunk, Drama, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Slice of Life, Supernatural
Demographic/Démographique: Shounen
Adapted from light novel series/Adapté de la série de roman de lumière,


Michael Eh?

Thinking this would be pure comedy was wrong to say. This is actually good cyberpunk with magical twist. I'm going to enjoy this series.


I love cybermagic and magicpunk and I would really love to see more of this. I even like the characters I've seen so far; I bet they'll take the story in some really interesting directions.

Mr. G

The Devil is a Part-Timer, but it's set in a post-apocalyptic Shadowrun/Rifts cyberpunk setting, where Earth and a fantasy planet merged. Oh, and the main character becomes a livestreamer lol. It's honestly more compelling than it has any right to be.

Club Notes/Remarques du Club

Date Reviewed: December 3, 2024
Watched along with Chi: Chikyuu no Undou ni Tsuite
Theme: The devil is in the details

External Links/Liens Externes

Official Website/Site officiel Japanese Twitter

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Manga Updates

No infringement is intended and this article is purely for informational purposes. The images of the series are for indicative purposes only.
Aucune infraction vise et cet article est purement à titre informatif. Les images de la série sont à titre indicatif seulement.