VTuber Nanda ga Haishin Kiri Wasuretara Densetsu ni Natteta

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VTuber Nanda ga Haishin Kiri Wasuretara Densetsu ni Natteta
VTuber Nanda ga Haishin Kiri Wasuretara Densetsu ni Natteta
VTuber Nanda ga Haishin Kiri Wasuretara Densetsu ni Natteta
VTuber Nanda ga Haishin Kiri Wasuretara Densetsu ni Natteta

Twenty-year-old former wage slave Tanaka Yuki now works among her idols: the streamers of Live-On, one of Japan's top VTuber companies. As the gorgeous, polite Kokorone Awayuki, she delivers only the most ladylike content. Unfortunately, her subscriber count and savings are at rock bottom. One evening, after Yuki thinks she's ended her stream, she cracks a few cold ones—and more than a few crude jokes—while watching Live-On's video archives. But her viewers hear it all, and clips of her bawdy, drunken commentary go viral overnight. Yuki thinks her career is over...until her manager reveals that everyone at Live-On has been waiting for her to snap all along and gives her free rein to drink on-stream. Now free of all feigned purity, she jumps right into her new "rowdy drunk" character and is welcomed into the fold by her fellow Live-On VTubers, who turn out to be just as crazy as she is! With her views and finances skyrocketing, Yuki's work—for the first time in her life—is actually fun!

Tanaka Yuki, ancienne esclave salariée de vingt ans, travaille désormais parmi ses idoles : les streamers de Live-On, l'une des principales sociétés de VTuber au Japon. En tant que magnifique et polie Kokorone Awayuki, elle ne propose que le contenu le plus féminin. Malheureusement, son nombre d’abonnés et ses économies sont au plus bas. Un soir, alors que Yuki pense avoir terminé son stream, elle en lance quelques froides – et pas mal de blagues grossières – en regardant les archives vidéo de Live-On. Mais ses téléspectateurs entendent tout, et des extraits de ses commentaires paillards et ivres deviennent viraux du jour au lendemain. Yuki pense que sa carrière est terminée... jusqu'à ce que son manager révèle que tout le monde chez Live-On attend qu'elle craque depuis le début et lui donne carte blanche pour boire en streaming. Désormais libérée de toute pureté feinte, elle se lance directement dans son nouveau personnage d'"ivrogne tapageuse" et est accueillie dans le groupe par ses camarades Live-On VTubers, qui s'avèrent tout aussi fous qu'elle ! Avec ses opinions et ses finances qui montent en flèche, le travail de Yuki, pour la première fois de sa vie, est vraiment amusant !
from aniDB

Check out what else is airing this Summer 2024 season.
Découvrez ce que le reste est diffusée cette Summer 2024 saison.


Alternative Names/Des Noms Alternatifs: VTuber Legend
Author/Auteur: NANATO Nana
Artist/Artiste: FUJISAKI Roto
Genre: Comedy, Slice of Life
Demographic/Démographique: Seinen
Adapted from light novel series/Adapté de la série de roman de lumière,


Michael Eh?

VTuber has come a long way and now mainstream. It's drunken dream or nightmare. The one problem that the vtubers are their character in real life. No doubt we an be expecting one or more of these type shows per season. Was it funny? Sort of. More realistic than Mayonaka Punch but the comedy is a little more subtile.


Kind of funny, but not much story.

Mr. G

Very enjoyable meta-comedy about the vtuber industry.


Everybody makes mistakes, but what if your mistake is seen by thousands of people? And what if they all liked it, and suddenly you are popular? The characters were fairly well animated, and there were some good laughs to be had, so all in all I thought it was pretty good. I wouldn't put it in my favourites, but it is still a decent watch.

Club Notes/Remarques du Club

Date Reviewed: July 30, 2024
Also watched [[Mayonaka Punch]

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No infringement is intended and this article is purely for informational purposes. The images of the series are for indicative purposes only.
Aucune infraction vise et cet article est purement à titre informatif. Les images de la série sont à titre indicatif seulement.