Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei Bu

Binan is a city somewhere in Japan. The “Earth Defense Club” at Binan High School was a club that did absolutely nothing. When club members Atsushi Kinugawa and En Yufuin were chilling out while soaking in the hot tub at the bathhouse Kurotamayu, a pink beast (Wombat) suddenly appeared out of thin air. “I want to save this planet... can you please lend me your strength?” The two feel the mood has been ruined by Wombat who talks to them in Japanese about how he wants to save Earth with the power of love. Just then, the son of the bathhouse owner Yumoto Hakone shows up, and as soon as he sees Wombat, he chases it, screaming “Let me fluff you up!” The next day, Kinugawa and Yufuin are caught by Wombat once again at school along with the other club members Io Naruko and Ryu Zaou.. Bracelets were clasped onto the wrist of these four, along with Yumoto Hakone who bumped into them chasing after Wombat, with a command that they must save the earth. “It's about love-making!” they hear as a bright light emanating from the bracelet envelops their entire bodies, and the five transform into “Battle Lovers”, the heirs of the throne of love...
Binan est une ville quelque part au Japon. Le "Earth Defense Club" au Binan lycée était un club qui n'a absolument rien fait. Lorsque les membres du club Atsushi Kinugawa et En Yufuin ont été détendre tout en profitant du bain à remous du bain public Kurotamayu, une bête rose (Wombat) est soudainement apparu hors de l'air. "Je veux sauver cette planète ... pouvez-vous s'il vous plaît me prêter votre force?" Les deux se sentent l'ambiance a été ruinée par Wombat qui leur parle en japonais sur la façon dont il veut sauver la Terre avec le pouvoir de l'amour. A ce moment, le fils du propriétaire de l'établissement de bains Yumoto Hakone montre, et dès qu'il voit Wombat, il chasse il, en criant "Laissez-moi vous bouffer!" Le lendemain, Kinugawa et Yufuin sont capturés par Wombat une fois de plus à l'école ainsi que les autres membres du club Io Naruko et Ryu zaou .. Bracelets étaient jointes sur le poignet de ces quatre, avec Yumoto Hakone qui bouscula les courir après Wombat, avec une commande qu'ils doivent sauver la terre. «Il est à propos de faire l'amour!" Ils entendent comme une lumière émanant du bracelet enveloppe tout leur corps, et les cinq se transformer en "Lovers bataille", les héritiers du trône de l'amour ...
from ANN
Check out what else is airing this Anime Shows - Spring 2018 season. Découvrez ce que le reste est diffusée cette Anime Shows - Spring 2018 saison.![]()
Alternative Names/Des Noms Alternatifs: Handsome high school Earth Defense part LOVE!, Cute Highschool Earth Defense Club LOVE!, Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei Bu Love! Love!
Genre: Bishounen, Comedy, Magic, Parody, School Life
Demographic/Démographique: Shoujo
Adapted from light novel series/Adapté de la série de roman de lumière, Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei Bu Love! - Novel. Also adapted into manga/Aussi adapté en manga.
Michael Eh?
Mildly amusing. A parody of and in itself. Twisted take on 'magical' girl genre with enough to keep yaoi fans watching. So bad it's good. LOL
Oddly I think Free kinda spoiled me from enjoying this more that I would have otherwise, Free's superior animation quality and direction kinda put a hamper on what would otherwise be a pretty amusing "yaoi themed" parody.
It's a pretty well-made spoof -- a gender-swapped counterpart to Sailor Moon. I liked the background snarking by the rest of the team while the genki kid dived right in, but I probably would have enjoyed it more if I had seen one of the magical girl shows lately.
bit too silly for me to follow this, but as a sailor moon parody it's not bad.
Simply beyond belief
Club Notes/Remarques du Club
Date Reviewed: February 22 2015
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No infringement is intended and this article is purely for informational purposes. The images of the series are for indicative purposes only.
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