Kei is a typical girl crazy, judgemental high school student. As he heads home from school a hapless dunk falls onto the subway train tracks. To his disgust, a public school friend, decides to save the drunk, calls on Kei to help. Reluctantly, he helps only to be rundown by the express train.
In an instant both are transported to a sealed room with a black sphere. Within, each person, recently demised, transported as well for some purpose. As another nude female who apparently committed suicide. As one of two mobsters takes the girl. Once again Kei's friend intervienes.
This time the sphere reacts with music and a message....
"Your life has ended. What you do with this life is up to me." so the episode ends and the series begins.
Alternative Names: Gantz first stage
Genre: Action, ADULT, Adventure, Drama, Horror, Mature, Mystery, Psychological, Romance, Science Fiction, Supernatural, Tradegy
Demographic: Seinen
Adapted from the manga, Gantz.
"A surreal strange premise with some possilities."
"Very intriguing storyline. Especially like the use of character's thought process."
"Not the most sensual art with reguards to the people, but the settings are lovely and the animation is generally passible. Great camera work ann an interesting storyline."
"...and suddenly ... nothing happened. These people are all cowards, so I find the show rather disturbing, but it's kind of interesting in a psychological way. The art style was kind of cool though."
"seems intersting & original but the amount of internal dialog is excessive. I don't think you're intended to identify with any of the characters either."
Michael Eh?
"After thought that this anime has same overtone as the story lifeboat. It seems strange that the group trapped by the black sphere don't question it's existance until the end. In fact, the whole show seems to be from the prospective of this 'strange device' probing people's inner thoughts. If anything this anime seems to be a social commentary. Intended for VERY mature audience."
Club Notes
Year Reviewed: 2004
External Links
Official Website: Japanese
Anime News Network
No infringement is intended and this article is purely for informational purposes.
The images of the series are for indicative purposes only.